Avisos legales

This website is the official website of Shenzhen Jamr Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jamr "). All users or viewers who visit this website should read this legal statement first. If you do not agree to any term of this legal notice, please stop using this website. If you continue to browse and use this website, it means that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by this legal statement. Jamr reserves the right to update the terms of the legal statement at any time.

Jamr doesn't guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, adequacy and reliability of the information contained in this website, nor does it guarantee that the information contained in this website will not infringe the rights of third parties or be free of computer viruses. Jamr doesn't assume any responsibility for any direct or indirect responsibility or any consequences caused by anyone's use of this website or the information contained in this website.

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The copyright and intellectual property rights of all the information contained in this website belong to Jamr, except for the contents cited from third parties. Without the prior written permission of Jamr or other copyright owners, no one may reproduce, disseminate or use any content on this website in any way. If it is really necessary to use, it should obtain the legal authorization of the owner.

Website Link
This website may retain links to third-party websites or urls. Please note that such linked websites are not under our control, and access to these links will be at the discretion of the user. Jamr doesn't guarantee any information or data provided on these links, opinions, pictures, statements or suggestions is accurate, complete, sufficient or reliable, so users are requested to carefully consider the relevant adverse consequences that may arise before clicking to enter, and visit carefully, and Jamr will not be responsible for the user's actions.Jamr provides links to third-party websites or urls for the purpose of convenient access only, which doesn't mean Jamr's approval and recommendation of such websites, urls and the information contained therein, nor does it imply Jamr's agreement with such websites and urls. Any cooperation, collaboration or other special relationship between owners and users.

Products and Services
Any product and service information contained in this website is just for reference , and it doesn't mean that Jamr has made any statement, guarantee or approval for such products and services. The products and services provided by Jamr are subject to the sales contract formally signed between the customer and Jamr.

All trademarks, signs, logos, etc. used and displayed on this website are owned by Jamr, except for trademarks, logos, and trade names that are indicated to be owned by a third party. Any content contained in this website does not mean that Jamr grants anyone the license to use Jamr's name, trademarks and logos. If the user infringes, Jamr reserves the right to resort to law.

Privacy Protection
Jamr fully respects the privacy of website users. For the personal information voluntarily provided by the website users according to the website description, Jamr guarantees that the personal information will be used strictly in accordance with the stated purpose of the website and applicable laws.

This statement is effective and enforced upon publication. Other contentare subject to the 《User Agreement》、《Privacy Policy》and the notices issued by Jamr.

Dirección:A101-301, D101-201, Parque Tecnológico Jiemeirui, No. 2, Guiyuan Road, Comunidad Guixiang, Calle Guanrun, Distrito Longhua, Shenzhen


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